Scottsville address

Internet Safety Policy


Scottsville Free Library and Mumford Branch provide free public access to information of all types in a wide range of formats. Electronic resources, including the Internet, are available as reference tools to supplement and complement the collections.

Library Internet computers are filtered as required by the Federal Children's Internet Protection Act.

Rights of Users:

The Library respects a patron's right to both confidentiality and privacy. Patrons are cautioned that the Internet is not a secure medium and all transactions, files and communications may be subject to unauthorized access by third parties. The library, however, will not release information on the use of electronic resources by members of the public except as required by law.

The Library seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to the best use of its resources. To this effect, it strives to balance the rights of users to access all types of information resources with the rights of patrons and staff to work in a public setting free from disruptive sounds and visuals. Patrons are reminded that the library's computer terminals are located in public areas which are shared with library users and staff of all ages, back grounds and sensibilities. Individuals are expected to consider this diversity and respect the sensibilities of others when accessing information or images.


The Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents and legal guardians to guide their children's use of all library resources, including the Internet.

Rights and Limits:

  • Use of the Internet for activities that violate local, state or federal laws is prohibited. It is the responsibility of all users of electronic resources at the Scottsville Free Library to respect intellectual property rights. Copyright restrictions may exist for individual electronic resources. Patrons may only make copies or print information allowable by copyright laws of licensed software agreements.
  • Users of the library's computers are expected to abide by the rules of the library as outlined in the Code of Conduct. Persons who do not abide by these rules may be barred from the library or prohibited from using library computers.
  • The staff of the Library cannot provide in-depth computer training but will answer questions and, as time allows, help users locate information on the Internet or on other databases on the library computers.

Procedure for Using Computer Terminals:

  • Users must log in using their own library card number to access Internet terminals. If you have forgotten your card, you can obtain your number with proper identification from the circulation desk.
  • For residents without a library card, you can obtain one today with proper identification and receive full access to the Internet and other library services.
  • Patrons who are not residents of Monroe County or the Caledonia-Mumford School District may request a guest pass to access the Internet.
  • Use of the Internet terminals at the Scottsville Free Library or Mumford Branch are limited to 90 minutes per day per person. A time extension may be granted for job applications or online exams.
  • The number of users at a terminal may be limited to a single user.
  • Patrons must have a card in good standing to access the Internet.

Approved May 2017
Scottsville Free Library
Board of Trustees

Scottsville Free Library | Mumford Branch Library


Laurie Leo, Director