The Neighborhood Today


Susan B. Anthony Preservation Plaque.

Plaque at the entrance to the Susan B. Anthony Preservation District, dated 1986.

In 2001, the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood was placed on the "Seven To Save" list of the Preservation League of New York State. It is considered to be one of the best and last examples of a middle-class Victorian era housing tract in the country. However, it is also one of the most fragile. Deterioration of the industrial areas, absentee landlords, and some vacant storefronts combine to make the preservation and rehabilitation of the area formidable challenges.


Commercial rehabilitation along West Main.

Commercial rehabilitation along West Main in the 1980's


Several positive signs can be seen, however. The Susan B. Anthony House has been turned into a museum that attracts visitors from all over the country. New housing projects have gone up to the south of West Main Street. Some of the historic storefronts have been renovated. In Susan B. Anthony Square (formerly Madison Park) a new sculpture of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass was installed in 2001. Entitled Let's Have Tea, it depicts the two giants of the 19th century reform movement seated at a table in the center of the park, conversing over cups of tea.
The Susan B. Anthony Preservation Neighborhood Association has been formed. It is a non-profit association dedicated to improving the neighborhood in the 21st century while maintaining its 19th century charm.
The neighborhood around West Avenue/West Main Street had a vibrant role in Rochester's development and thus has a rich, unique history to cherish.

Let's have Tea.

Let's Have Tea

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