A picture emerges of a busy neighborhood at the turn of the 20th century. Throughout the late 1800's and into the 20th century, the neighborhood retained its middle class flavor. It also retained its mix of residential, commercial and industrial uses. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad Station was built on West Avenue. It opened in 1881. Almost directly across the street from it the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad Station opened in 1889.

Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Station. Pennsylvania Station on West Avenue.

Left, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Station, dated 1907-1914 (?). Right, Pennsylvania Station on West Avenue, as seen 1914-1920(?)

The Cunningham factory still produced carriages, but in 1908 it would begin to make automobiles as well.

Cunningham Factory. Cunningham car.

  Left, men assemble engines inside the Cunningham factory, 1910-1916 (?). Right,the Cunningham car, 1910-1925 (?)

Canal barges and railroad cars still traveled through the neighborhood on their way to other places. Small businesses thrived on West Avenue. Hospitals and the orphan asylums were in full operation. Churches were full of worshippers.

Mary Anthony could look out the window of her home towards School No. 2, where she had served as Rochester's first female principal until her retirement in 1882. Susan B. Anthony herself was writing at her desk in the red brick home on Madison Street. She also was working on the fight to enable women to attend the University of Rochester. Dentists, painters, cigar makers, teachers and business people were making a living while residing in middle-class Victorian houses on Madison, King, Maple and other streets.

See the house directory listings of businesses on West Avenue in 1903-1904.

See the house directory listings for residents of Madison Street for 1903-1904.


Map of the City of Rochester, 1905.


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